Transitioning in Balance


Opportunities to find deeper powers within ourselves come when life
seems most challenging.
~Joseph Campbell

Recently, my life as been filled with some rapid changes—a journey of balancing love for the self and others. Within about five months' time, as my new business became more expansive and fun, my parents went from living their lives independently to needing 24-hour care every day.

Fortunately for our family, they are living in a great retirement community, but even so, it all happened so quickly. I often asked myself and the professionals at their retirement home for a reality check, because I would see them as they were six months ago in my awareness. When they spoke, I'd hear them as they were, yet when they wanted to do something, their increasing need for assistance in all aspects of their lives became very clear.

How can we create and maintain a life balanced in love for self and others?

Although they had caregivers, I was increasingly over-extending myself, worrying that they were okay, wanting to heal and help them—perhaps to make their lives a little more comfortable. I often found life with my family, home and business out of balance. How much was for me to do as daughter and what was for the caregivers to do? I needed to come to that awareness on my own, so I found myself turning to the Lemurian  Wisdom for guidance.

In the journey to "Know Thyself" that Lemurian wisdom offers, the whole experience has offered me a deeper understanding of my own the journey in this lifetime. What is the balance that I can find to nurture my passionate and sacred quest to share the Lemurian wisdom?

Over the past year, I have engaged the energies and ceremonially walked through the initiations and worked on amplifying the vision of creating new ways to nurture the self and others, yet I still need to remind myself about balance and self-care.  It's like how I often tell my clients to recall the safety video on airline flights showing how to put on an oxygen mask when the air pressure in the cabin drops. At one point, it shows a mother and child with the oxygen masks dropping in front of them. What does the mother do? She puts the air mask on herself first and then on the child!

The Power of Living in the Moment

In other words, feeling the beauty of where we are in each unfolding moment is a powerful space to be as it allows us to be present with loved ones in a centered and nurturing way. In my own life I've discovered new levels of this, taking care of my own needs in order that I might be in service not just to my family but also to Mother Earth and all of humanity. The Lemurian Wisdom gives me the tools that I need to bring myself back into a loving balance for the highest good of all.

As we all move with the energies of the Great Shift in Consciousness into our next levels of love, I hold you in the Goddess Light for the initiations and growth that you may be experiencing. I'm feeling this compelling energy to shift, to move, to allow the changes to unfold in the most perfect way. How about you?

With Love and Lemurian blessings-


Doing the Lemurian Goddess Journey


Mercury: The Transformational Messenger