Completions Leading to New Beginnings

Every new beginning comes from some other beginning's end.
From “Closing Time by Semisonic

Karinna: How do you feel about completions? Does it feel like a struggle to achieve them? Do they seem like "dead-ends" with only uncertainty lying beyond? Or do you trust that beyond each completion a new beginning and a new adventure awaits you?

In Lemurian Numerology, nine is the number representing completions and new beginnings. This energy, when it shows up in our lives, gives us an opportunity to look at trusting the perfection of the process of completions unfolding in our lives. While recently considering some completions and new beginnings in my own life, I received the following message from the Lemurian Goddess Light:

A Message from the Lemurian Goddess Light

Though completions are commonly thought to be a physical phenomenon, they are actually a four-body experience—physical, emotional, mental and spiritual. A completion is initiated in the spirit body when your higher self sees that the journey has been done and a new level of love is at hand. The vibration then enters your mental body creating the thought of completion. Your feelings about the completion will be activated as the energy now moves into the emotional body prior to manifesting in your physical world.

Release the Fear of Completions

When you do not trust that there is a new beginning waiting beyond the completion, the process may become stalled. By avoiding completions, you remain where you are in the same situations—the same old relationships, the same old thoughts, the same old job, the same old life—and you put off the opportunity to step into the new. The key is to trust your knowing and to recognize and release any fear of completions that may come up for you. This is where the healing comes in.

Healing the Fear Held in Your Cellular Consciousness

Many of you are returning Lemurians finding yourselves here again at a time of a great shift in consciousness. As you look at events now happening around the planet, you may feel the memories of past Lemurian lifetimes come up for you. These memories have long been held in your cellular consciousness, and you have an opportunity now to release any fears about completing one level and moving on to the next. In lovingly releasing that which is complete, you create a space for newness to enter into your life. Think the thoughts that allow your feelings to be in love and not fear. As you heal the fears and love yourself more and more, you will feel greater trust in the process. The key world is love, and as you raise your awareness of love, there is a feeling of greater balance on all four bodies.

Master the Journey of Completions

It's time for the masters to step forward, and that includes everyone reading this writing. You have returned to the Earth plane to master the art of evolving in love. It is time for you to celebrate your completions and to step into your light of mastery.

In loving light,

The Lemurian Goddess Weave


Creating in Balance for the Great Shift